Covid-19 Update

4th January 2021

We would like to inform you that our offices are closed for clients at present as per the guidance from the Government.  We are taking all enquiries and instructions over the phone, email and post. If you need to contact us, please email our offices direct on:
Please stay safe.

Risk Assessment for Harrison’s Solicitors

Assessment carried out by: David Woodward

Date assessment was carried out: 25th June 2020

Covid-19 is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It is caused by a virus called Coronavirus. Symptoms can be mild, moderate, severe

or fatal. The purpose of this risk assessment is to mitigate the risk of spread of Covid-19 Coronavirus in the Caversham office of Harrison’s Solicitors.


How was the risk assessment done?

The manager followed the advice at To identify the hazards, they:

 walked around the office, noting things that might pose a risk;

 checked the HSE advice on employees with disabilities:;

 talked to the Senior Partner and staff, to learn from their experience and listen to their concerns;

 talked to the office cleaning contractors, to make sure the cleaning activities did not pose a risk to office staff;


They noted what was already being done to control the risks and recorded any further actions required. They shared a copy of the findings with staff to encourage staff to help put the actions into practice. A printed copy is also available in the office.

The manager will review the risk assessment whenever there are any significant changes such as new work equipment, work activities or workers.

What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed and how?

Controls required?

What further action do you need to take to control the risks?

Who needs to carry out the action?

When is the action needed by?


Spread of





Visitors to our premises including clients, agents and other business introducers




Contractors – such as printer/photocopier engineers


Anyone else

Who physically

comes in contact with us in relation to our business

Hand Washing

– Hand washing facilities with

soap and water in place.

– Stringent hand washing taking


– See hand washing guidance.

– Drying of hands with

disposable paper towels.

– Gel sanitisers in any area where washing facilities not

readily available.

– Staff encouraged to protect the skin by applying emollient

cream regularly.

Employees to be reminded on a regular basis to wash their hands for 20 seconds with water and soap and the importance of proper drying with disposable towels.


Also reminded to catch coughs and sneezes in tissues – Follow Catch it, Bin it, Kill it and to avoid touching face, eyes, nose or mouth with unclean hands.


Tissues will be made available throughout the workplace.


There are soaps/hand gels/sanitisers in place in the office which must be used frequently.


Encourage staff to report any problems with skin or dermatitis.


Cups/plates etc should not be shared and staff should not make food/drink etc for each other.


If any one else is required to attend the office they will be advised to follow the above.

Anyone entering the office Immediate Ongoing

Frequently cleaning and disinfecting objects and surfaces that are touched regularly particularly in areas of high

use such as door handles, light

switches, reception area using

appropriate cleaning products and methods.


Rigorous checks will be carried out by

managers to ensure that the necessary

procedures are being followed.


Anti-bacterial wipes will be provided for use in shared areas including kitchen, bathroom and photocopying area.


All employees will be reminded to regularly sanitise their work area and equipment, as well as shared areas before and after use.


Cleaning contractors will be advised to follow hand washing and social distancing guidelines.


Employees should wash their own cups/plates etc used in the office, and no one elses.

All those present in the office


Cleaning contractor

Immediate Ongoing
      Social Distancing

-Reducing the number of persons in any work area to comply with the 2-metre (6.5 foot) gap recommended by the Public Health Agency


At work persons can pass within 1 metre of each other, where it is not practicable to keep 2 meters apart.


Taking steps to review work schedules including start & finish times/shift patterns, working from home etc. To reduce number of workers on site at any one time. Also relocating workers to other tasks.


Redesigning processes to ensure social distancing in place.


Conference calls to be used instead of face to face meetings.


Ensuring sufficient rest breaks for staff.

Staff to be reminded on a daily basis of the

importance of social distancing both in the

workplace and outside of it.


Management checks to ensure this is adhered to.


As employees are taken off of furlough and return to the office they will be based in separate rooms for working.


We are presently no longer seeing clients in the office and are accepting ID by photocopy and verifying online.


Arrival and departure times at work are to be staggered in order to ensure social distancing guidelines are followed.


Use of communal areas, such as the kitchen, bathroom, meeting rooms and communal photocopying area will only be used by one person at a time and must be sanitised regularly by users.


If any one else is required to attend the office they will be advised to follow the above.

Anyone entering the office Immediate Ongoing

Public Health guidance on the use of PPE (personal protective equipment) to protect against COVID-19 relates to health care settings. In all other settings individuals are asked to observe social distancing measures and practice good hand hygiene


Employees are supported in using their own face covering, should they wish to. Employees choosing to wear a face covering are expected to following the Government guidelines regarding the safe use of face coverings


If any one else is required to attend the office they will be advised to follow the above.

Anyone entering the office Immediate Ongoing
      Symptoms of Covid-19

If anyone becomes unwell with a new continuous cough or a high

temperature in the workplace they will be sent home and advised to follow the stay at home guidance.


Line managers will maintain regular contact with staff members during this time.


If advised that a member of staff has developed Covid-19 their work station and places they may have spent time should be thoroughly cleaned.

Managers will regularly reassure and support employees in a fast changing situation.


Line managers will offer support to staff who are affected by Coronavirus or has a family member affected.


Ensure procedure for cleaning the workstations

are in place.

Anyone entering the office Immediate Ongoing
      Mental Health

Management will promote mental health & wellbeing awareness to staff during the Coronavirus outbreak and will offer whatever support they can to help

Reference –

Regular communication of mental health

information and open door policy for those who need additional support.


Management Immediate Ongoing
  Dealing with the public

No one, other than employees coming to work and contractors who are required to attend the office, will be allowed to enter the office.

Clients are currently not allowed to attend the office.  They are being advised of this in writing in their initial paper work.


No other agents, key business introducers or other members of the public are allowed to enter the office.

Management Immediate Ongoing